Vaping Facts

Vaping has become popular very quickly, yet most people don’t know much about vaping—even smokers are still mostly in the dark.  There are 2 things that smokers need to know about vaping.


1. Vaping is Safer than Cigarettes

Public Health England did a very detailed study that surmised that vaping was at least 90% less dangerous than cigarette smoking.  The WHO says that cigarettes kill 6 million people per year.  More studies will be needed on vaping, but the lack of “burning tobacco” makes it a safer alternative.


2. Vaping is Cheaper than Smoking Cigarettes.

Although the initial cost of a vape apparatus can be expensive, the cost of the liquids will save you money in a very short period of time.  The cost of cigarettes will continue to rise as more people switch to vape liquids.  The vape liquids are expected to maintain or reduce prices as the market matures and expands.

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